
Nanochemistry & Technology

  NATURAL  CONCEPT  Water is found in three different forms - liquid, solid or gas, depending on the temperature but it constantly changes from one form to another. Changes in temperature will determine which of these forms predominates in a particular area. Water is usually encountered in the liquid state, because this is its natural state when temperatures are between 0° C and 100° C. 'Fresh' or drinking water is found as groundwater in underground aquifers, and on the surface in ponds, lakes, and rivers. Seas and oceans account for 97% of all water on Earth; but their waters contain dissolved salts and are therefore unfit to drink. In regions of young volcanic activity, hot water emerges from the earth in hot springs (examples are Garampani in Assam and Badrinath in Uttaranchal). How does this phenomenon occur? Surface water percolates downward through the rocks below the Earth's surface to high-temperature regions surrounding a magma reservoir, either active, or recentl
  Know how beneficial  flaxseed is for  health Benefits of Flaxseed: • Linseed provides energy to the body. • Increases the activity of anti-cancer hormones. • Reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels. • Relieves joint pain. • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. • Controls high blood pressure. • Keeps skin healthy and prevents eczema etc. by removing dryness. • It increases good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol in the body. Consumption of linseed according to the disease: • Making a powder of linseed seeds and drinking its tea is beneficial in cough. Consume it two or three times a day. • Soak one teaspoon of linseed powder in half a glass of water for 12 hours. Consume it twice a day. Strain it before drinking. • A diabetic patient should eat 25 grams of linseed. They should mix PC linseed with flour and make roti and eat it. • Cancer patients should mix 3 teaspoons of linseed oil with paneer and mix it with dry fruits. • Drink plenty of water while consuming flaxseed
  These 5 medicines  relieve gum pain  and swelling  immediately 1. Clove oil contains crinoline which is an antioxidant, so clove oil helps in reducing the pain and swelling of the gums. How to use: Mix 2-3 small black pepper powders in clove oil and apply on the gums. You can do this remedy 2-3 times a day. 2. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is an antioxidant and also has anti-inflammatory properties. That is why it reduces the swelling of gums. How to use: Mix one-fourth teaspoon of turmeric powder and apply it on the gums and rub it after 5 minutes. Do this twice a day. 3. The recipe using acacia bark is very old. To adopt this remedy, boil the bark of acacia tree in water and use it as mouthwash. Using this mouthwash three times a day will provide relief from swollen gums. 4. Ginger is a very old remedy to avoid mouth infection. This provides relief from swelling of gums and protects against bacteria in the mouth. 5. Mustard oil is very helpful in reducing the pain and swelling
  These methods  provide instant  relief from sinus 1. Including soups in your diet or drinking warm water during the day can help deal with sinus. Warm fluids break up mucus and reduce congestion. Children and adults who have acid reflux produce too much mucus. In such situations, hot liquids are very helpful. 2. Prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a 1-inch piece of ginger, a few lemon drops, 1 teaspoon of turmeric and a pinch of black pepper. Mash ginger with 1 tsp turmeric, 1 or 2 black pepper corns, 3-4 mashed garlic cloves (or less) and boil in water. Now add apple cider vinegar to it and sweeten it with 1 teaspoon honey. To deal with sinus, drink this drink in warm state once or twice a day, you will get a lot of relief. 3. Steaming is a great way to deal with sinus. Take a bowl of warm water, add a drop or two of peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil and 1 teaspoon turmeric (optional). For instant sinus relief, place a towel over your head and breathe slow
  Along with providing  nutrients,  pomegranate also  protects from these  diseases. 1. Pomegranate contains punicic acid which potentially lowers your blood pressure. 2. Its high fiber content helps in reducing your appetite and feeling full for a longer period. It also helps you in losing weight. 3. Its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties can help you fight infections efficiently. Due to which your teeth get a lot of protection. 4. If its juice is consumed regularly, the skin remains glowing. Besides, it also protects the skin from the problem of wrinkles. 5. This fruit is also very good for the brain. Its consumption also reduces the risk of diseases like Alzheimer's. 6. Rich in Vitamin C and anti-oxidant elements, this fruit strengthens the immune system of our body. Due to abundance of anti-oxidant elements, it stops bad cholesterol from increasing in the initial stages. 7. It also contains folic acid, which reduces the risk of high blood pressure and anemia. Consumption


  Natural home  remedies to  overcome calcium  deficiency  1. Milk is the best source of calcium. Take a cup of hot milk and add one spoon of roasted sesame powder in it. Mix it well and drink. Drinking this three times a day will give good result. 2. Antioxidant properties are found in Amla. Calcium is found in abundance in Amla which increases the immunity of the body. It can also be eaten as a fruit or consumed by boiling it in water. 3. Sesame seeds are a good remedy to overcome calcium deficiency. About 88 mg in one tablespoon. Contains calcium. It can be ground and consumed as a powder or mixed into soups, cereals or salads. 4. Boil a glass of water and add one teaspoon cumin seeds to it. Mix it well after it cools down. Drink this water at least twice a day. This will remove calcium deficiency in the body. 5. Boil a glass of water. Add 1-2 pieces of ginger in it and boil for some time. Filter it and add honey as per your taste to make it taste good. 6. Ashwagandha is an ancient

Benefits of drinking water

  Benefits of drinking  water 1. Due to hectic life and irregular diet, the problem of increasing fat has become common among people nowadays. Also, it is very difficult for those who are busy in the office rush to lose fat. In this case, water is the best remedy for this. Drinking water before going to bed helps in reducing the body's calories in a natural way. 2. If you watch the diet of any celebrity, you will find the habit of drinking a lot of water. Every celebrity drinks around 10 to 12 glasses of water a day or even more. Because of which his face always glows like a rose. Drink more water if you want too. It hydrates the skin, giving it a glow. 3. Sleep problems have also become common among people these days due to stress and rush. Earlier this problem was seen in elderly people. But today the youth are also victims of lack of sleep. Drinking water balances hormones and energy levels as well as relaxes muscles and joints. Which makes sleep very good. 4. If you are also a