Know how beneficial

 flaxseed is for


Benefits of Flaxseed:

• Linseed provides energy to the body.

• Increases the activity of anti-cancer hormones.

• Reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

• Relieves joint pain.

• Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

• Controls high blood pressure.

• Keeps skin healthy and prevents eczema etc. by removing dryness.

• It increases good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol in the body.

Consumption of linseed according to the disease:

• Making a powder of linseed seeds and drinking its tea is beneficial in cough. Consume it two or three times a day.

• Soak one teaspoon of linseed powder in half a glass of water for 12 hours. Consume it twice a day. Strain it before drinking.

• A diabetic patient should eat 25 grams of linseed. They should mix PC linseed with flour and make roti and eat it.

• Cancer patients should mix 3 teaspoons of linseed oil with paneer and mix it with dry fruits.

• Drink plenty of water while consuming flaxseed. It contains more fiber, which makes you feel more thirsty.

• If you are healthy, take one teaspoon of linseed powder every morning and evening with water, mixed with vegetables, lentils or salad.


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