
  Genetic Analysis Since the publication of DNA's double helical structure by Watson and Crick, electrophoresis has been a standard among the analytical tools used in modern biochemistry. CE's automation and quantitation capabilities made it a natural successor to replace the slab-gel format for genetic analysis. By introducing replaceable physical gels (polymers in solution) into a capillary, a molecular sieve is created that readily resolves molecules of DNA and RNA by size. The automation capability of this format has enabled significant advances in genetic analysis, accelerating the discovery of new genomic information.  The Beckman Coulter CEQ 8000 and 8800 are fully automated genetic analysis systems that employ an array of coated capillaries, novel infrared dyes, an optimized linear polyacrylamide gel (LPA) and comprehensive informatics to fully automate the processes of DNA sequencing and genotyping. Plate bar coding and linkage to Beckman Coulter's Biomek liquid ha
 Interest of the Computer Industry The attraction of molecular manufacturing for the computer industry should be clear. It should let us make computers at a manufacturing cost of less than a dollar per pound, operating at frequencies of tens of gigahertz or more, with linear dimensions for a single device of roughly 10 nanometers, high reliability, and energy dissipation (using conventional methods) of roughly 10^-18 joules per logic operation. If we make thermodynamically reversible computers (which the author and others have recently shown can be made from conventional electronic devices, e.g., CMOS) then the energy dissipation per logic operation can be reduced to well below kT at T = 300 Kelvins (well below 10^-21 joules). The computer industry is spending billions of dollars to make better computers. It is widely acknowledged within the industry that lithography is approaching its limits. Articles like The Future of the Transistor, Miniaturization of Electronics and its Limits and
 LIQUID  CHROMATOGRAPHY Liquid chromatography has been used in an extremely wide range of analytical methods and it is impossible to give a comprehensive set of examples that would illustrate its wide applicability. The following are a few LC analyses that may indicate the scope of the technique and give the reader some idea of its importance and versatility. An example of the use of reversed phase chromatography (employing a C8 column) for the separation of some benzodiazepines. The column used was 25 cm long, 4.6 mm in diameter packed with silica based, C8 reverse phase packing particle size 5 m. The mobile phase consisted of 26.5% v/v of methanol, 16.5% v/v acetonitrile and 57.05v/v of 0.1M ammonium acetate adjusted to a pH of 6.0 with glacial acetic acid and the flow-rate was 2 ml/min. The column efficiency available at the optimum velocity would be about 15,000 theoretical plates. The retention time of the last peak is about 12 minutes (ie., a retention volume of 24 ml). At a flow
 ION  CHROMATOGRAPHY Ion Chromatography can be used in a number of novel ways and employing the appropriate conditions can even be used to separate mixtures where the components are not ionic or do not normally produce interactive ions in aqueous solution. An example of this type of separation is the analysis of saccharide mixtures using ion exchange interactions. An illustration of such a separation is given. The saccharine are reacted with a borate with which saccharides readily forms complex anions. The procedure for making the complex is simply and is achieve by merely including a borate buffer in the mobile phase.  The column packing was a strong anion exchange resin designated as TSKgel Sugar AXG. It had a particle diameter of 10 m and contained quaternary ammonium ions as the ion exchange moiety. The column was 15 cm long, 4.6 mm in diameter and had a potential efficiency of about 7,500 theoretical plates. The mobile phase consisted of three borate buffer solutions which were us
NANOTECHNOLOGY DEFINITION In its original sense, 'nanotechnology' refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products. With 15,342 atoms, this parallel-shaft speed reducer gear is one of the largest nanomechanical devices ever modeled in atomic detail. The nanoscale is the size range from approximately 1nm to 100nm. At this size range, the laws of physics operate in unfamiliar ways, and it is this that determines both the constraints and the opportunities of nanotechnologies and nanoscience. The potential opportunities associated with nanotechnologies have led to significant investment by governmental institutions, public research centres, universities and firms throughout the world. Nanotechnologies encompass the production and application of physical, chemical, and biological systems. Horizon 3 forecasts promise widespread applications of nanotechnology as an enabli
  NANO CORROSION The process of corrosion however is a complex electro chemical reaction and it takes many forms. Corrosion may produce general attach over a large metal surface or it may result in pinpoint penetration of metal. Corrosion is a relevant problem caused by water in boilers. Corrosion can be of widely varying origin and nature due to the action of dissolved oxygen, to corrosion currents set up as a result of heterogeneities on metal surfaces, or to the iron being directly attacked by the water. While basic corrosion in boilers may be primarily due to reaction of the metal with oxygen, other factors such as stresses, acid conditions, and specific chemical corrodents may have an important influence and produce different forms of attack. It is necessary to consider the quantity of the various harmful substances that can be allowed in the boiler water without risk of damage to the boiler. Corrosion may occur in the feed-water system as a result of low pH water and the presence

Nanochemistry & Technology

  NATURAL  CONCEPT  Water is found in three different forms - liquid, solid or gas, depending on the temperature but it constantly changes from one form to another. Changes in temperature will determine which of these forms predominates in a particular area. Water is usually encountered in the liquid state, because this is its natural state when temperatures are between 0° C and 100° C. 'Fresh' or drinking water is found as groundwater in underground aquifers, and on the surface in ponds, lakes, and rivers. Seas and oceans account for 97% of all water on Earth; but their waters contain dissolved salts and are therefore unfit to drink. In regions of young volcanic activity, hot water emerges from the earth in hot springs (examples are Garampani in Assam and Badrinath in Uttaranchal). How does this phenomenon occur? Surface water percolates downward through the rocks below the Earth's surface to high-temperature regions surrounding a magma reservoir, either active, or recentl