Healthy tips


You should eat

 watermelon in

 summer, know its

 health benefits

Benefits of eating watermelon:

1. Nutrient like potassium present in watermelon is very important to keep the heart healthy and fit. According to WHO, an adult should consume 3,510 mg of potassium a day to keep the heart healthy.

2. Its regular consumption is very beneficial for the eyes. The presence of beta carotene and vitamin A in watermelon is good for eye health. Its consumption helps in preventing diseases like night blindness and cataract.

3. Vitamin C is found in abundance in watermelon. Vitamin C strengthens our body's immunity, keeping us away from fever and infection.

4. Adequate intake of vitamin C is essential for the formation and maintenance of collagen. It provides structure to the skin and hair. Watermelon helps in hydrating the body which is important to keep skin and hair healthy.

5. Watermelon contains good amount of potassium which is essential for the health of the nervous system and muscles in the body. Muscle related problems can be avoided by its consumption. Also, watermelon and watermelon juice help in reducing muscle pain.

6. The high amount of water in watermelon and elements called flavonoids and carotenoids help in maintaining the tightness of the skin, apart from this it is helpful in keeping wrinkles away for a long time.

7. The risk of developing asthma is lower in people who consume high amounts of the nutrient. One of these nutrients is Vitamin C which is found in watermelon.

8. Watermelon is 92 percent water and full of important electrolytes, so watermelon can be a great snack to prevent dehydration during summers.


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